
How to travel in London on a budget

London can be a very expensive location to travel to, generally the pound will be stronger than your home currency and London charges a premium for EVERYTHING!

But you don’t need to worry, there are many activities that you can do on a budget.

Museums – Most museums in London are free, from the Natural History Museum in south Kensington, to the Tate Modern, the British Museum and many more.

Churches – Churches always welcome guests to look around, remember to be respectful while you take in the history. 

Green space – London has a surprising amount of green space, and many of these spaces include historical items to view. 

  • Richmond Park – this is a massive park in the South West, walk around enough and you will see Deer.
  • Hyde Park – Hyde Park is the massive park in central london, on the edge you will see Keningston palace, Wellington Arch, within the park are several monuments, then nearby is Buckingham palace.
  • Primrose Hill – This is in north London and you can see an amazing view of the city from the top.

Markets – There are some great markets in London that you can wander around, get some items to take home with you and grab a cheap meal.

  • Camden Market – This is in the north of London, it is massive and has everything you would want from a Market. An added bonus is you are close to Primrose hill, so why not take in the view after you have looked around the market.
  • Portobello Market – this is in the West of London, its runs on the streets and has many antiques stands. 

Cheap eats – If you look at most menus in London you want to hide away, the prices are crazy, but there are options for you

  • Wetherspoons – This will be the cheapest pub you can find. Alcoholic drinks start from a £1, and there are many lunch or dinner options for around £10 – and some even include a drink – winning
  • Picnic, with all the lovely green spaces, you may as well spend some time in a park taking it all in. There are supermarkets located all over the city where you can grab some food and drinks then head to the park to enjoy.
  • Kebab shop – this is the go to hang over food in London, but it also serves as a quick and cheap bite
  • Chicken shop – the UK loves a chicken shop, you can normally find one on every high street, you can get burgers to wings or a tonne of chips
  • Don’t forget the note above, there are many options at the many Markets in the city. 
Wetherspoons with a view – The Rocket Putney

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