Are TUI Trips for 20 and 30 year olds?

You’ve seen the ad, heard the music and then looked at the prices. Yes, those are some good prices. But is TUI for those who are in their twenties or thirties?

Well you have come to the right place, we have done a few TUI trips and can give you some insights.

We have done the following Trips,

  • Marella Cruises – Canarian Flavours (Canarias Islands)
  • TUI Package Holiday – Manacor, Spain
  • Package Holiday – Hurghada, Egypt (via Thomas Cook)
  • Marella Cruises – Ancient Kingdoms (Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and Israel) 
  • TUI River Cruises – East Danube Explorer (Hungary, Serbia, Croatia) 
Alanya, Turkey – Ancient Kingdoms, Marella Cruise

TUI holidays are great for a last minute holiday where you want all the details to be sorted for you. Most packages are all inclusive, and if not already included you can add an all inclusive drinks package. For Cruises you had the added bonus of the travel between locations being sorted for you. The River cruise event included a credit towards excursions (you can read more on the river cruise here).

Now for the burning question, is it for you? The answer is yes and no. It depends what trip you are doing. 

The traditional package holidays are for any one, it is similar to any holiday. Yes you can eat at the hotel, making the most inclusive package, but if you are in a good location you can go out to other restaurants and do your own thing during the day. You are not going to see the other people who are also with TUI at the same time, and as this is a fixed location people will be coming and going at different times. 

Palma, Spain – Package Holiday

For cruises you are going to see the same people as you are travelling on the boat together and depending on the ports you may stay on the boat for a longer period of time. 

The Marella Cruise has a crowd around 40+ and there are families. The benefit of the Cruise ship is how large it is, there are 500 guests so you can get lost in the crowd. You do notice that you are younger but the size of the ship it is not obvious that you are out of place.

For the River cruise the crowd is 60+ and 95% white British. There is also a smaller crowd, the ship we went on had 70 guests and the boat can hold 150 (it was still low numbers due to covid and flying issues out of the UK). We were referred to as the ‘young couple’ and stood out as different being both 30 and not British. There were two restaurants but you basically only eat in one, as well as the ports being very small locations, you will see the same people a lot on this trip.

Final assessment

The traditional package holidays – you will be fine, use this as a cheap easy to travel. The Marella Cruise, you will be ok, there are so many people you don’t stick out and it is big enough you do not need to hang out with the other guests, you can do your own thing. The River cruise, you are socialising with 60 year olds, it was a great trip but maybe leave this for when you are older.

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