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Where to Travel for the Christmas New Years Break

When it comes to the Christmas New Years break, most workplaces shut down and you are forced to take leave. This is a great time to then explore more places, when you have just over seven days to play with.

Here are a few ideas,


Yes you can go somewhere warm! Morocco is one of those great places where you can explore or relax at a resort. We went here over the break and did a trip with Travel talk, travelling around all the key locations including camping out in the Sahara Desert. 

Otherwise there are many resorts located by the sea, some are even all inclusive if you want everything to be taken care of for you.

Morocco doesn’t celebrate Christmas, this means you can be there on Christmas day and don’t have to worry about everything being closed down. 

Cruise Ship

We have now done two Cruises over this period, the first time was to the Canary Islands, with the Canary islands being further south you once again are able to escape the cold. This also gives you a chance to see what each island can offer as you hop on and off at each new location. In terms of Christmas day, they plan this as the day out at sea so you do not even notice the impact of being in a seaside town that is all closed up.

The other trip we have done is Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and Israel. It will be colder here, but it is warmer than the UK. This trip was a great way to see many countries in a quick hit, plus being in Israel around Christmas time is something special and one to remember. 

Christmas Market Locations

Your next option is a true christmas holiday, head to Germany or neighbouring countries like Belgium or Luxembourg to visit a magical Christmas wonderland. You’re best to head here on Boxing day, this way you miss any closers with Christmas day (and Christmas Eve for most European countries). You can walk around the markets taking in the traditions, having mulled wine and getting photos under all the lights. 

You can also travel to other cities with this option, say fly into Frankfurt, spend a few days here then head to Amsterdam for some nights after that.  

Staying in London

This is a different one, but why not stay in London and go visit all those locations you have been meaning to see. We did this one year and saw so many joys of the city. 

You could see the latest pieces at the Tate Modern, do the St Paul’s Tour or the Tower Bridge walk. See some shows and have a big meal in Chinatown. Go to the lights at Kew Gardens and visit one of many markets in the city.

Canary Islands

If you want to relax by the pool then this is your option, it’s going to be warm still and you have many options on locations to stay. You can organise this yourself or use a travel company to do a package holiday. Have a look at the prices and see what works best for you.

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